theragun pro g5

Theragun PRO G5 vs Theragun PRO G4

Theragun PRO G5 vs Theragun PRO G4


You landed here because you’re trying to understand the differences between the newly launched 5th Generation Theragun PRO and previous 4th Gen devices. Use the table below as a guide to decide which massager is best for you. Quickly browse the specs of the Theragun PRO G5.

Specifications and Comparison Overview


Category Theragun PRO G5 Theragun PRO G4
Speed 5 speed range + more via app 5 speed range + more via app
Motor Newly redesigned EQ 150 brushless motor with QuietForce Technology™ for 20% noise QuietForce Technology™
Amplitude 16 mm 16 mm
Force 60 lbs 60 lbs
Arm Adjustable Adjustable
Bluetooth Compatible Yes Yes
Preset Guides Yes, 4 on device Yes, 3 on app only
OLED Screen Yes, 4 guided routines on OLED screen Yes, but no routines on device, app only
Attachments SUPERSOFT, Micro-Point Dampener, Standard Ball, Wedge, Thumb SUPERSOFT, Dampener, Standard Ball, Wedge, Thumb, Cone
Carrying Case NEW Soft case Hard case
Attachment case Yes Yes
Weight 2.86 lbs 2.86 lbs
Warranty 2-year 2-year
Review Read our Theragun PRO G5 Review N/A